Edward's Restaurant in TriBeCa is hands down the best Grilled Steak and Eggs I've ever had for brunch. Almost every time you eat steak and eggs at a restaurant you are getting sh*t a$$ grade F hanger steak but not here. The beef quality was excellent and the preparation was on point. 

This neighborhood would lead one to think of trendy upscale places where you are dropping a couple hundred on brunch but Edward's is surprisingly no attitude and moderately priced. The decor is diner meets garage-esq and there is a bonus with outdoor seating. Great service and a delicious morning drink menu wrap up an all around great restaurant. My experience leaves me wanting to go back for dinner.
136 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013-3330
(212) 233-6436
New York, NY 10013-3330
(212) 233-6436
You were in our hood! We've actually never eaten at Edwards, I'll definitey make sure we check it out. Thanks! :)