Make sure you are prepared to spend some dough for the drinks & atmosphere, but for this place I believe it's well worth it. Cellar Bar is a great happy hour spot usually filled with attractive women and suits trying to court them. The decor is simple and the 1924 architecture really steals the show. The hotel was built as the American Radiator Building which was a Gothic Art Deco. Darkness and the beats of a the DJ set the mood and make it surprisingly cozy. Try to get a table/bench area because otherwise there isn't much room to sit and get comfortable. Once you establish some real estate let the waitresses take care of you and sit back to enjoy the scene.
Make your way through Cellar Bar either after work one night or as a starting place for th

Cellar Bar
40 W 40th St
New York, NY 10018
(212) 869-0100