This place is huge with the main floor surfacing 5000 sq ft with 18 ft high ceilings. The lofty ceilings accentuate the lavish, red-drenched walls, but the jukebox, pool table and dartboard maintain M1-5's neighborhood tavern vibe. The club
name refers to the bar's zoning code. In the 1960s, the city allowed artists to live in this light manufacturing district, given that they manufactured art. Fortunately for local artists, the place is mildly priced with $5 beers and mixed drinks. I was personally shocked at my final tab being much less than I expected.

The clientele at
this venue is usually heavily female dominated as the DJ is usually spinning great dance music. Raised on a small elevated stage/platform, my last encounter he had the crowd rocking to Michael Jackson mashed up with some current rap hits.
M1-5 is an enjoyable stop if you're in Tribeca looking for something you know will be solid.
M1-5 Lounge
52 Walker St

M1-5 is an enjoyable stop if you're in Tribeca looking for something you know will be solid.
M1-5 Lounge
52 Walker St
New York, NY 10013